Listen to The #YP2fPod

The Young People to the Front Podcast

The Young People to the Front Podcast, aka the #YP2FPod. The podcast aims to elevate youth voices and increase awareness about youth homelessness in LA. By exploring the causes and LA-specific issues that intersect with youth homelessness, as well as highlighting actions that can be taken to solve it, we hope to build a broad support network and deepen our connection to the community.

YP2FPod is one of the only podcasts produced by young people with lived experience of homelessness. Each episode provides an opportunity to learn more about Young People to the Front policy platform, as well as to deepen understanding of what it's like to navigate life as a young person with lived experience of homelessness in LA, whether it's dealing with rent, school, social life, invisible homelessness, or other related issues.

YP2FPod is available on all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and many more. You can subscribe to our podcast and receive notifications when we release new episodes.

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The Young People to the Front is recorded in our own studio! Studio YP2F is a DIY project of passion. Supporting the Studio buildout is the best way you can support the podcast.

Studio yp2f